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Santa Monica Police Department Focusing on Illegal U-turns in Business Districts in August


To reduce the number of traffic accidents, each month, the Santa Monica Police Department is focusing on different driving behaviors that cause accidents.

During the month of August, the SMPD will be focusing on illegal U-turns in business districts.

California Vehicle Code Section 22102 states:

"No person in a business district shall make a U-turn, except at an intersection, or on a divided highway where an opening has been provided in accordance with Section 21651. This turning movement shall be made as close as practicable to the extreme left-hand edge of the lanes moving in the driver's direction of travel immediately prior to the initiation of the turning movement, when more than one lane in the direction of travel is present."

If you have been injured in a car accident involving a vehicle that was making a U-turn, you should speak with a personal injury lawyer regarding your right to compensation. Attorneys Daniel McGee and Catherine Lerer of McGee, Lerer & Associates are available 24-7 for a free consultation, including weekends.

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