Electric Scooter Accident Injury Stories
Call Our Santa Monica Personal Injury Attorneys – (310) 692-9582
Ever since Bird and Lime dumped their electric scooters all over Santa Monica, our personal injury law firm has been inundated with calls from people injured in electric scooter accidents. The calls come from riders as well as pedestrians. We believe everyone needs to know about the quantity of calls we are getting, the seriousness of the injuries, and the commonality of the fact patterns. Not only does the public need to know, but so do city council members in other cities who are considering allowing in electric scooters, the scooter companies themselves (Bird and Lime), and anyone considering investing in these companies or renting their scooters.
If you or a loved one was injured in an accident involving an electric scooter, please email us a brief description of how the accident happened and your injuries. We also encourage you to send us injury photos to add further validation to your account. We will contact you to verify the story, but we will not post your name. We are asking our community members to help us grow this database and spread the word of electric scooter dangers.
You can call (310) 692-9582 or contact us online for more information.
Below you can find brief summaries of the accidents people have shared with our law firm. Please be aware that most contain images of injuries suffered while riding an electric scooter. Some people may find the imagery disturbing or upsetting.
Date of accident: 6/18/21
36-year-old male was riding a Bird e-scooter in San Diego. He was transitioning from the sidewalk to the street and lost control when the scooter accelerated too quickly. He suffered an open tibia-fibula fracture requiring surgery. The bones are not healing and he will likely require a second surgery.
Date of accident: 8/18/21
A female (age 34) was riding a Bird scooter in San Diego, CA. The scooter was unstable causing her to lose control and crash. She flew over the front handlebar and her chin slammed into the pavement. She lost consciousness and suffered a fractured jaw, lost two teeth, and has 8 loose teeth. Shew spent five days at Scripps Hospital (where doctors and nurses informed her that they have treated hundreds and hundreds of e-scooter injury victims).
Date of accident: July 2018
A female was riding a Bird scooter in Memphis, TN. The scooter was unstable, causing her to lose control and crash. A front tooth was knocked out, requiring an implant, root canal and bone graft. She also suffered damage to adjacent teeth.
Date of accident: 12/01/20
27-year-old male was riding a Bird electric scooter in Arlington, VA. He was going downhill and the brakes failed. He had to jump off the scooter. He suffered injuries to both knees, with difficulty walking.
Date of accident: 10/23/20
26-year-old male was riding a Lyft e-scooter in Los Angeles. Approaching debris in the path ahead of him, he applied the brakes, but the brakes failed. He had to jump off the scooter. He suffered a broken arm and abrasions to his knees.
Date of accident: 09/21/20
52-year-old male was riding a Wheels electric bike/scooter in Hollywood, California. The bike/scooter suddenly and without warning locked up. He was thrown off and suffered severe road rash and injury to his knee.
Date of accident: 12/17/18
36-year-old male was riding a Lime e-scooter in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The front wheel was unable to accommodate a roadway irregularity and he was thrown off the scooter. He suffered a fractured wrist, requiring surgery (metal plate + approximately 12 screws).
Date of accident: 11/23/2019
70-year-old female was walking down the sidewalk on Abbot Kinney Blvd. in Venice. It was a Saturday evening and the sidewalk was crowded with holiday shoppers. She tripped on the back end of a Bird electric scooter that was lying down. She suffered a broken left wrist and had to undergo surgery, involving the installation of a plate, anchor and nine screws. Bird denies responsibility, and instead blames the last rider. Our position: Bird’s deployment of scooters without designated docks while encouraging renters to leave the scooters wherever they want are affirmative acts that create a foreseeable risk of harm to pedestrians.
Date of accident: 04/24/2019
80-year-old female was walking on the sidewalk on Wilshire Blvd. in Santa Monica. She tripped on a Bird electric scooter that was lying down on the sidewalk. She suffered a broken arm and had to be hospitalized for seven days.
Date of accident: 04/17/20
35-year-old male was riding a Bird electric scooter in Hollywood, California. The scooter’s throttle malfunctioned. The scooter accelerated even though he was not pressing the throttle. He was approaching an intersection with cross traffic. In order to avoid riding into the intersection and being hit by a car, he had to crash into a building to stop. He suffered injury to his elbow, and may require surgery.
Date of accident: 03/29/19
49-year-old female was riding a Bird electric scooter in Nashville, Tennessee. The scooter malfunctioned. She was thrown over the handlebars and landed on her face. She suffered multiple jaw fractures and lost 2 teeth. Her jaw had to be wired shut and she required two implants and three root canals.
Date of accident: 12/04/19
37-year-old male was riding a Lime e-scooter in Koreatown. It had been raining earlier in the day. The scooter slipped out from under him on the wet roadway. He broke two teeth.
Date of accident: 08/01/18
27-year-old female was riding a Lime e-scooter in West Hollywood when the scooter malfunctioned and she was thrown off. Her chin slammed onto the pavement. She suffered a bilateral mandible fracture, temporal bone fracture, and concussion. Her jaw was wired shut for approximately six weeks.
Date of accident: 07/19/19
49-year-old male was riding a Bird electric scooter in Los Angeles (Koreatown). The scooter suddenly jerked and slowed down. He lost control and crashed. He suffered a broken tibia and fibula. He had to undergo two surgeries.
Date of accident: 04/03/19
46-year-old female was riding a Bird electric scooter in downtown Long Beach. She was in Long Beach for a work conference. This was her first time (and last) riding an e-scooter. She tried to brake but the brakes failed, causing her to lose control and crash. She suffered four broken bones in her leg and foot, including a broken tibia and fibula. She required surgery involving the insertion of 2 plates and 8 screws.
Date of accident: 1/13/19
21-year-old female was a tourist from Miami, visiting Santa Monica. She was riding a Bird electric scooter by the beach. She was going downhill when the brakes failed. She suffered a shattered left tibia, requiring surgery and hardware.
Date of accident: 12/21/19
36-year-old male was riding a Lime electric scooter in downtown Ohio. He felt a vibration, then the front wheel suddenly turned 90 degrees, launching him off the scooter. He suffered a dislocation and multiple fractures in his right elbow (“terrible triad of the elbow”). He underwent surgery involving plates and screws. He then required a second surgery to remove some of the hardware.
Date of accident: 11/25/18
53-year-old female was riding a Lime electric scooter while on her honeymoon in San Diego. The scooter wasn’t working properly. It wouldn’t accelerate. Suddenly, the scooter took off and she was thrown to the ground. She suffered 3 fractures: tibia, fibula and Lisfranc. She underwent surgery the next day. She was in the hospital for a week, and then a wheelchair for six months.
Date of accident: 10/9/19
43-year-old female was riding a Lyft e-scooter. She was in a parking lot on Washington Blvd. in Marina Del Rey. She rode over a roadway irregularity, which caused her to lose control. She was launched off the scooter. She suffered a broken right wrist, broken nose, concussion, and road rash on her face, knee, and hands.
Date of accident: 08/30/19
53-year-old female was riding a Bird scooter on California Ave. in Santa Monica. After hitting an asphalt patch on the roadway, followed by a raised bump on the roadway, she lost control and was launched off the electric scooter. She suffered a tibial plateau fracture, requiring two surgeries.
Date of accident: 11/19/19
33-year-old male tourist was visiting Santa Monica. He was riding a Bird e-scooter down a hill. He applied the brakes, but the brakes failed. He had to jump off the scooter. He suffered fractures of his tibia and fibula, and a dislocated ankle. He underwent two surgeries, involving the insertion of two plates and 10 screws.
Date of accident: 11/16/19
51-year-old female pedestrian tripped on the rear of a parked Bird scooter that was sticking out onto the sidewalk. She suffered a fractured radius in her forearm. Surgery is recommended. She also suffered a laceration over her eye.
Date of accident: 9/24/19
37-year-old female was visiting from out of town. She was riding a Bird e-scooter in Santa Monica on Barnard Way, next to the beach. Though she was pressing the accelerator, the scooter kept slowing to almost a stop. She couldn’t figure out why. Then the scooter suddenly took off and she was thrown off. She suffered a 10” laceration on her leg, and has a suspected torn ACL in her knee.
Date of accident: 08/12/18
32-year-old male riding a Bird electric scooter on the street by the beach in San Diego. He saw a divot in the roadway ahead, so he applied the brakes. The brakes were “soft and squishy." Instead of stopping the scooter, they only gradually slowed it down. He hit the divot and his right leg went under the scooter. The rear wheel then ran over his right ankle. He suffered a broken tibia and fibula, requiring surgery, involving the insertion of 2 plates and 21 screws.
Date of accident: 08/26/18
58-year-old female was riding a Lime electric scooter in San Diego. She had just gotten on, pressed the throttle, and the scooter took off at full speed. The throttle stuck in the fully depressed position, and would not lift up. She was approaching an intersection with cross traffic, thus stepped off the scooter to avoid being hit by a car. She slammed onto the ground. She suffered a broken right arm requiring surgery (insertion of plate + 7 screws) and a broken left hand.
Date of accident: 10/15/18
67-year-old male was riding a Bird electric scooter on the roadway in San Diego. He was going downhill when the brakes failed. He was thrown off the scooter. He struck his head, and even though he was wearing a helmet, he lost consciousness and suffered a brain injury, as well as wounds to his hand and elbow that became infected.
Date of accident: 8/10/19
33-year-old male was riding a VeoRide e-scooter in Austin, Texas. He pushed off with his foot. His ankle struck the kickstand apparatus. He suffered a torn Achilles tendon.
Date of accident: 10/06/18
31-year-old female was riding a Lime electric scooter in the bike lane on Ocean Ave. in Santa Monica. Her husband was riding a Lime behind her. They entered a “geo-fenced” area and their scooters' speed suddenly dropped from 15 mph to 8 mph, then shortly thereafter sped back up to 15 mph. Her husband lost control and struck the rear of his wife’s scooter. She crashed and suffered three broken bones in her ankle, requiring surgery (plate and screws).
Date of accident: 10/11/18
57-year-old female was riding a Lime electric scooter on 3rd St. in Los Angeles. She had just gotten on the scooter and it kept stalling. She decided to give up and return it to the sidewalk. Suddenly, the power surged, the handlebars whipped to the left, and she was knocked to the ground. She suffered 2 broken bones in her ankle, requiring surgery (a plate and 8 pins).
Date of accident: 04/22/19
42-year-old male riding Lime e-scooter in Los Angeles. He was transitioning from the street to a driveway. When the scooter hit the edge of the driveway, the scooter stopped and he was thrown off.
He suffered a broken ankle (“malleolar fracture”), requiring surgery (plate + 3 screws). He then had to undergo a second surgery to remove one of the screws.
Date of accident: 06/08/19
34-year-old male riding Lime e-scooter in San Diego while on vacation. He rode over a slight lip in the pavement, which caused him to be ejected from the scooter. He suffered a broken fibula, requiring surgery (plate + 8 screws).
Date of accident: 06/08/19
29-year-old female riding Bird e-scooter in West Hollywood. Ahead of her, a pedestrian entered the roadway. She applied the electric brake and turned to the left. The brakes were slow to respond and the handlebars spun 90 degrees to the left, pitching her off the scooter. She suffered a broken hip, requiring surgery (rod + screws).
Date of accident: 08/19/18
33-year-old female was riding a Lime electric scooter in South Lake Tahoe. The brakes failed. She put her foot down to try to stop and was thrown off the scooter. She suffered a fractured right radius (surgery to forearm with plate and 6 screws), dislocated right ulnar radial joint (surgery to wrist), and dislocated right foot.
Date of accident: 01/19/19
45-year-old female was riding a Lime e-scooter in San Diego on the street. She hit a 1” to 1.5” vertical offset (height differential) in the roadway and she was thrown off the scooter. The scooter’s wheels could not accommodate the bump. She suffered a concussion, a broken front tooth, two cracked teeth, and a severely bruised pelvis.
Date of accident: September 2018
71-year-old male was riding a bicycle on the Venice Beach Bike Path. A Bird scooter rider slammed into him, knocking him off the bike. The scooter rider took off without exchanging information – hit and run. The bicyclist suffered a wound to his elbow, which became infected. He has undergone two surgeries so far, and may need a third.
Date of accident: 05/15/19
22-year-old female was riding a Lime e-scooter in San Diego’s Balboa Park. The accelerator stuck at full speed. She was coming up to a turn and she could not slow the scooter down. She stepped off the scooter and crashed. She suffered a broken leg, requiring surgery.
Date of accident: 07/02/19
67-year-old male pedestrian tripped on a Bird electric scooter that was laying across the sidewalk on Main St. in Santa Monica. The pedestrian is an “eggshell plaintiff” within the six months before his fall, he underwent two surgeries on his neck. He is now concerned that the fall has exacerbated his pre-existing neck condition.
Date of accident: 08/29/18
33-year-old female was riding a Bird scooter in Santa Monica. She was transitioning from the street to the driveway of the Broad Stage parking lot. When the scooter’s front tire hit the small curb of the driveway’s apron, she was thrown off the scooter. She suffered a broken and dislocated ankle, requiring surgery.
Date of accident: 12/07/18
36-year-old male was riding a Lime e-scooter in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The accident happened at about 7 pm. He hit a pothole, lost control, hit the curb, and was thrown off the scooter. The scooter’s front headlight was insufficient to illuminate the roadway in front of him, and the front tire was unable to navigate over the pothole. He suffered a fractured left wrist, requiring surgery (plate + 8 screws).
Date of accident: 05/9/18
39-year-old male was riding a Bird electric scooter in Westwood. The wheels were adversely affected by the roadway surface and he was thrown off the scooter. He suffered loss of consciousness, lacerations to his right elbow and right knee, and road rash.
Date of accident: 02/13/19
19-year-old male was riding a Lime electric scooter in Santa Ana. He was riding from the sidewalk into the intersection when he was hit by a right-turning car. He suffered a broken tibia, requiring surgery (rod + screws).
Date of accident: 08/06/18
2 ½ -year-old girl was walking on Melrose Ave. in Los Angeles with her family. As they were walking by a cluster of scooters, a Bird scooter tipped over, onto the curious child, knocking her over. She suffered injury to her right knee.
Date of accident: 10/16/18
45-year-old male was riding a Lime electric scooter in Los Angeles. The handlebar post suddenly turned 90 degrees and he topped over the front of the scooter. He suffered a tibial plateau fracture.
Date of accident: 10/14/18
33-year-old male was riding a Lime scooter in Indianapolis, Indiana. He was transitioning from the street to the sidewalk. The scooter’s front wheel hit the small curb of the apron and he was ejected from the scooter. He suffered a fractured neck, fractured arm (requiring 2 surgeries), and a head injury.
Date of accident: 10/24/18
34-year-old male was riding a Bird electric scooter in San Diego. The brakes failed. He suffered a broken left fibula, requiring surgery (plate + 7 screws).
Date of accident: 06/09/18
36-year-old female was riding a Bird electric scooter in San Diego. Within seconds of getting on, she noticed that the front wheel was wobbly. The front wheel suddenly turned. She put her foot down to try to stabilize, and suffered a broken left tibia and fibula, requiring surgery (plate + rod + 13 screws).
Date of accident: 10/30/18
23-year-old male was riding a Bird electric scooter in in Los Angeles. The throttle stuck and he was thrown off the scooter. He suffered a broken right fibula and road rash to his hand.
Date of accident: 10/08/18
32-year-old male was riding a Bird electric scooter in Los Angeles. Suddenly, the handlebars came off the post. He crashed and suffered a broken arm.
Date of accident: 10/27/18
57-year-old female was riding a Bird electric scooter in Los Angeles. She was transitioning from the street to the sidewalk. When the scooter’s front wheel hit the 1.5” lip of the apron of the driveway, the scooter threw her off. Some scooters have solid tires (not air-filled). The solid tires are less forgiving and have difficulty making it over even minor roadway imperfections. She suffered a fractured ankle, requiring surgery (plates and screws).
Date of accident: 12/26/18
18-year-old female was riding a Lime electric scooter in Woodland Hills. She applied the brake, but the scooter did not slow at all. She put her foot down to try and stop. She slammed to the ground and the scooter fell on top of her. The scooter’s handlebar, which was missing a rubber grip, hit her left hand, breaking her hand. She underwent surgery, involving insertion of a metal plate.
Date of accident: 11/15/18
71-year-old female was a pedestrian on the sidewalk on Melrose Ave., between Stanley Ave. and Curson Ave., in Los Angeles. A Bird scooter rider struck her and knocked her to the ground. The rider did not stop and exchange information – he kept going. She suffered three broken bones in her hand.
Date of accident: 10/14/18
30-year-old female was riding a Bird electric scooter on the roadway in Long Beach. As she approached an intersection, her light was red. She tried to brake. The brakes didn’t work so she put her foot down to try to stop. She flew off the scooter. She suffered six broken bones in her right wrist, and dislocated the wrist. She has undergone two wrist surgeries so far.
Date of accident: 10/18/18
65-year-old female was riding a Lime electric scooter on the roadway when the accelerator stuck. She suffered a broken jaw.
Date of accident: 09/19/18
33-year-old female was riding a Bird electric scooter on the roadway when the brakes failed. She suffered a laceration to her forehead and severe road rash on her arm.
Date of accident: 10/23/18
30-year-old female was riding a Bird electric scooter in San Diego. The brakes failed and she had to jump off to avoid being hit by a car. She suffered a broken femur (upper leg bone), requiring surgery (titanium rod + screws).
Date of accident: 07/02/18
37-year-old male was riding a Lime electric scooter in Oakland. He was transitioning from the street to a driveway. When the scooter’s front wheel hit the small lip of the driveway’s apron, the scooter, instead of going up the driveway, slid to the right, along the lip, and the rider was thrown off. He suffered 3 fractures in his forearm, requiring surgery (2 plates + 12 screws).
Date of accident: 09/21/18
43-year-old male rider was riding a Lime electric scooter in San Diego on the street. The handlebars suddenly started to shake violently. He tried to brake. He put his foot down onto the ground to try to stabilize, and was thrown off. He suffered a complex pelvic fracture, requiring surgery (3 plates + screws).
Date of accident: 06/17/18
62-year-old male was performing an act on the Santa Monica Pier. A Bird electric scooter rider slammed into the back of him. D.P. suffered a ruptured bicep in his right arm, requiring surgery (involving a cadaver graft). He also suffered a broken right radius (forearm bone). This was a hit-and-run. The Bird rider took off after the collision, without providing his contact information. Despite repeated requests by our firm, Bird Rides, Inc., has failed to provide the scooter rider’s contact information.
Date of accident: 08/19/18
34-year-old female was riding a Bird electric scooter on the roadway in Los Angeles when the scooter became unstable, she lost her balance, and fell off. She suffered a broken right arm, requiring surgery (insertion of two plates and 11 screws).
Date of accident: 09/21/18
31-year-old male was riding a Bird electric scooter. A car swerved in front of him, then braked. The scooter rider applied the brakes, but they did not work. He had to jump off the scooter to avoid hitting the car. His face slammed onto the pavement. He suffered facial injuries, including contusions, a black eye, and road rash.
Date of accident: 05/17/2018
28-year-old male worked for Bird as a “Bird Charger.” After charging a bird, before placing it in a “Bird Nest,” he got on the scooter to make sure it worked. The brakes did not work and he was launched off the scooter. He suffered a fracture-dislocation of the left ankle, and fractures of the tibia and fibula in his left leg. He underwent surgery involving the insertion of a plate and 8 screws.
Date of accident: 07/18/2018
26-year-old female was riding a Bird electric scooter on Beverly Blvd. in Larchmont Village in Los Angeles. She was riding on the sidewalk because there is no bike lane on Beverly Blvd. and it’s a very busy street. All of a sudden, she saw a 7” offset in the sidewalk in front of her. It was like a “curb” in the middle of the sidewalk. She applied the brake, but it barely slowed the Bird down. She crashed into sidewalk defect and was thrown off the scooter. Her face slammed into a brick wall adjacent to the sidewalk. She suffered loss of consciousness, a head injury, concussion, laceration above the right eyebrow, and sprained left thumb.
Date of accident: 06/22/18
60-year-old female was riding a Lime electric scooter on the Venice Beach Bike Path. She had two back-to-back falls within 5 minutes of each other. Each time, another scooter rider tried to pass her, cutting her off and causing her to fall off. She fell on her right shoulder both times. She suffered a rotator cuff tear, requiring surgery.
Date of accident: 07/29/18
Male riding Lime electric scooter on the sidewalk in West Hollywood. The sidewalk was rough. The scooter started to wobble. The rider braked. He was thrown over the handlebars and his face smashed on the sidewalk. He suffered 2 broken front teeth, 2 chipped side teeth, and road rash on his arms.
Date of accident: February 2018
25-year-old man was riding a Bird scooter in Westwood. The handlebar stem collapsed as he was going downhill. He did a face plant and broke a tooth, incurring dental bills of $9,300.
Date of accident: 06/12/2018
72-year-old woman who was exiting a Starbucks on Main St. in Santa Monica tripped trying to maneuver around 3 electric scooters parked just outside the entrance. She suffered a pelvic contusion, injury to both knees, and injuries to her left hand and low back.
Date of accident: 07/31/2018
68-year-old female was riding a Lime electric scooter on Ocean Front Walk in Santa Monica. Just as she started to go, the accelerator stuck and the scooter sped forward. She was unable to stop and was thrown off. She suffered a broken leg and broken hand.
Date of accident: 08/17/2018
32-year-old male was riding a Bird electric scooter on the roadway in San Diego. He hit a roadway imperfection and was thrown off the scooter. He suffered loss of consciousness, a broken nose, road rash to the face, and dental injuries.
Date of accident: 07/13/2018
50-year-old female pedestrian was getting ready to cross the street in Venice, California. She tripped on Lime electric scooters which were left lying down on the sidewalk. She suffered a broken wrist, broken finger and probable broken ribs.
Date of accident: 05/16/18
33-year-old male was riding a Bird electric scooter in Westwood. When he pressed the brake, the rear tire locked up. He lost control and flew off the scooter. He suffered a shoulder separation, rotator cuff tear, and a shoulder labral tear.
Date of accident: 07/26/2018
Male riding a Bird electric scooter on the roadway on Speedway in Venice, California. He went over a minor road bump. The scooter’s front wheel broke, rotating about 130 degrees backwards. The Bird rider crashed and suffered severe road rash on his arm and injury to both knees.
Date of accident: 05/18/2018
56-year-old woman who was working for Bird as a “Bird Mechanic.” She picked up a damaged Bird to repair it, but Bird did not share with her what was wrong with the damaged Bird. In Santa Monica, she got on the scooter to test it out to try to figure out what was wrong with it. She started to ride the scooter and the brakes failed. She was approaching an intersection. Fearing that she would be hit by a car at the intersection, she tried to step off and her body slammed onto the roadway. She suffered a closed head injury, a scalp laceration requiring staples, a fractured clavicle, and a cervical strain.
Date of accident: 05/28/2018
16-year-old female was riding an electric scooter rented by her boyfriend. The female swerved to avoid a crack in the sidewalk. She hit a light pole and suffered loss of consciousness, two broken ones in her leg, a torn ACL in her knee
Date of accident: 06/09/18
30-year-old woman was riding a Bird in a bike lane, on Main St. in Santa Monica. A Bird rider ahead of her wiped out. She braked and put her foot down to try to stop so she could go and render aid to the other rider. She slammed to the ground. She suffered a torn ACL and a torn meniscus in her knee, requiring surgery.
Date of accident: 06/14/2018
72-year-old woman was exiting a Starbucks on the corner of Olympic Dr. and Main St., across the street from the Santa Monica Courthouse. She tried to step around a Bird scooter parked right outside the Starbucks entrance. She didn’t see that there were two more scooters behind the first one, until she tripped over the second two scooters. She suffered an injury to her hand, pelvis, and both knees.
Date of accident: 07/06/18
28-year-old female was riding a Bird electric scooter in West Los Angeles. She was transitioning from the street to the sidewalk because traffic ahead on the roadway was blocking safe passage. She braked, attempting to slow the scooter. The brakes didn’t work properly and she crashed. She suffered a broken finger and injury to her leg.
Date of accident: 06/18/2018
24-year-old man riding Bird scooter on Santa Monica Blvd. in West Los Angeles. He was riding in the far right lane, close to the curb. A car pulled out from a side street on his right, running a stop sign. The scooter rider slammed into the car’s front quarter panel. He suffered injury to both arms, both ankles, cuts on feet and bruised hip
Date of accident: 06/30/2018
57-year-old female pedestrian was leaving the fireworks show at Santa Monica College. She was walking down 17th St., in a crowd of people. She tripped over a Bird scooter that was lying down on the ground, partially across the sidewalk. She suffered a fractured metatarsal (long bone in the mid foot).
Date of accident: 07/05/2018
43-year-old woman riding a Bird scooter on the roadway on San Vicente Blvd in Los Angeles. As she approached the intersection of San Vicente Blvd. and La Brea Ave., her light was red, so she braked. The brakes failed. She flew off. She landed on the roadway, with the scooter on top of her.
She suffered a fractured wrist, injury to her neck and shoulder, and road rash on her leg.
The emergency room doctor and the pharmacist she went to later in the day both told her that they have had many patients reporting injuries from scooter brake failure.
Date of accident: 06/21/2018
36-year-old male was riding a Lime electric scooter on the roadway, in a bike lane, in Oakland. The bike lane was ending so he started to tap the brakes. The scooter jerked forward and he was thrown off. He suffered a broken left arm and a broken right wrist. The right wrist required surgery, requiring the insertion of a plate and 2 screws.
Date of accident: 08/30/18
33-year-old female was riding a Bird electric scooter on the roadway. The throttle got stuck in the fully depressed position and the scooter sped forward. As she tried to unstick it, she lost control and fell off. She suffered a shattered right wrist, requiring surgery (insertion of plate + screws), sprained fingers, a concussion and road rash.
Date of accident: 10/31/19
14-year-old male was riding a Bird Scoot electric moped in Westwood, California. When he squeezed the brake, the back wheel lifted off the ground, throwing him off the moped. His face slammed into the pavement, resulting in a lost tooth, lip laceration, facial fracture, and multiple abrasions. He will require 5 root canals. Scooter companies know that minors can easily access the vehicles, yet the companies fail to implement stronger safeguards.

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